So, my father says I need to practice magic. Cause, I am a witch and it is high time I learned to use it. I just have to point out that technically I am a werewolf. And he of course in turns points out that I am a witch cause both my “real” parents are witches. And I should be able to do magic even though I have so never done it before because you know we are all suppose to be some sort of magical prodigy that was doing magic when they were two days old and such. *rolls eyes* Anyways, so he goes on and on about my heritage and family and blah blah blah. I mean that is what I think he said. I actually only picked up about one percent of the whole lecture thing. Which shows what he knows cause he said I only listened to ten percent of what he said. So, there. *Sticks out tongue.*
What was I saying? Oh yes, magic. So, I am like alright I need to do magic. Thus I find myself wandering around going what should I do? Cause, I totally have no freaking idea. And there like fate or something is Uncle Dimi, well that is what I call him. He isn’t really my uncle and he isn’t really Dimi, he is Dimitri. But, who really cares, right? And I get to thinking about all the times he wanted to help more than one person at a time. And so it hits me BAM! I can clone him. Two Dimi’s are so better than one. They can do much more good and you can look at them and go whee twins!
*Shifty eyes* I got carried away again. So, I go Dimi can I clone you. And after staring at me looking like I had just lost my mind for like ten whole minutes. Ok, I might be exaggerating here. But, you have someone stare at you like that and see how long you think it is. Anyways, after the eternity of staring he agrees. Which is so totally cool cause that is like double the hotness or something. Maybe I shouldn’t have written that.
So, I pull out my super big book of spells that so could be a doorstop if it wanted to be. And like presto chango I do the spell. All of the sudden like five little eggs appear in front of us. I find myself staring at the eggs with a confused look, which is nothing compared to the look that Dimi has because he totally must think that I think he comes from eggs. I mean he totally might. I don’t know where baby angels come from. So, all of the sudden the eggs go pop, pop, pop, and one by one a chibi Dimi appears. You know those little tiny people with the big eyes. And they say GOOD MORNING! I let out a yelp not expecting that as Dimi looks at me and says, “I thought you were cloning me?”
Which of course I reply, “I did.”
He just kind of looks at me with this look and says, “That isn’t what I look like.”
I know he must be thinking how cute I made the little mini dimi’s as I have chosen to call my most wonderful creation. I reply as I look sheepishly at him, “Cause, you have big eyes,” and bat my own eyes at him just in case.
So, all of the sudden the give little Dimi’s say, “DIMI TO THE RESCUE!” In this loud hyper voice as they dart around the room. The only thing is they all fall down. And like well magic which it so is. If you want to be technical about the whole affair. TEN MORE EGGS APPEAR! DID YOU HEAR ME!! TEN! And sure enough just like before POP, POP, POP! And they all hatch with a chorus of Good morning.
By now I am so trying not to laugh cause you know it really isn’t funny, even though it kind is. However, it just wouldn’t be proper to laugh. I think Dimi wants to laugh to. He is just too reserved to do anything such thing. Cause, he is to busy trying to catch the Mini Dimi’s. However, the Mini Dimi’s seem to have minds of their own. And while they look like Dimi, they don’t really act like him. They kind of act like him hyped up on crazy dust or something. Ok, so maybe they kind of act like me. They are clumsy and this one keeps jumping, if one can call it that, more like falling off the table and each time more eggs appear. And once again pop, pop, pop. . .followed by good morning.
Which makes it clear that every time one gets hurts like two take its place? So, now one falls down and a pile of others go jumping off the table after it and pop, pop, pop..followed by the chorus. So, we totally have a bunch of the minis now. I mean I gave up counting. Some of them seem to have made it their mission to follow Dimi around cause he is totally like their role model. Others have wandered off into the world cause it is. “DIMI TO THE RESCUE.”
I kind of am not sure how to make them go away. Cause, like everything I try just seems to make more and more of them. I am beginning to think I might have overrun the world with Mini Dimi’s.
*Ponders* My father is so going to kill me.